SUMMER SALE! Prices marked down throughout store.
SUMMER SALE! Prices marked down throughout store.

What are Skiboards really about?

Someone asked me what I do for a living recently. I had to think for a minute.  It kind of caught me off guard as I have not really come up with a job title for myself. I thought that from an outside perspective, someone might say I am a skiboard salesman, or a skiboard manufacturer or a retail winter sports business owner. None of those however really capture the essence of what I love about this business. For me, what it really is about, and has been since I first strapped a pair of skiboards on is in one word: FUN. The truth is I am in the fun business, mountain fun to be more precise. The juice in this business is inspiring fun, hearing from others who are having fun and knowing that there is a growing community of fun lovers like myself.

No longer tied to convention, stuck in traditional carved long turns, lessons and using heavy equipment that torques the body, our spirits are truly free to explore all that the mountain has to offer. Just being able to turn and stop whenever we choose is such a relief. When you are good at something right away, like with skiboards, that new found confidence can’t help  but spread to the rest of our life. Skiboarding is more than just a greater freedom in how we choose to move about the mountain. Skiboarding ignites this sense of true freedom to express ourselves in life. Once our joyful spirit is freed, who knows the profound effect that can have. The experience of skiboarding I have found to be quite profound in liberating the best in me and I know that that is true for others who have discovered this sport.

There is nothing quite like floating down the mountain in effortless turns and taking it all in – the mountain air, the snowcapped peaks, fun with friends, and feeling those moments of pure exhilaration. For those who have never skied, skiboards open up a whole new world. For those who have skied, these free them to experience what prior to this, only the expert skiers could enjoy. For skaters, whether having prior experience on the mountain or not, they find an immediate transfer of abilities to the slopes, allowing them to progress super quickly.

Well, the way I see it is that we at are in the business of transformation. We facilitate escape from the conventional and free the spirit to soar to new heights, no longer inhibited by an old paradigm that tries to dictate how we should have fun.

Your truly,

Doc (“Fun Catalyst”!!)

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