Spring Sale!! Celebrate Spring skiboarding with sales throughout the store. Ends March 31.
Spring Sale!! Celebrate Spring skiboarding with sales throughout the store. Ends March 31.

Welcome back Y’all – November 2020!

Welcome back ya’ll!

We’re super stoked here at Skiboards Superstore anticipating the winter season right around the corner! Our local area Wolf Creek is already open ~ whoop whoop! Who’s with us on the excitement to get out and play in the snow this year? I think we could ALL use that FLOW STATE to get into that place of pure sweet bliss & joy that getting on our skiboards ripping through powdery snow brings to our hearts and souls!

2020 – The Year of Awakening

Transformation on all levels; Life, Love, Politics & Adventure

If you’re like us, and so many others I know right now, we are all in, or coming out of, a period of transition (whether it’s something we’re consciously choosing or not – thank you Covid-19, political uprise & racial ).

This could be transition in one area of your life (like your business or career) or it could be in one or two areas, or like us, in ALL areas of your life…

Career/Business, Relationships, Friendships, Community, Health, Money, Spirituality….

When we’re in a place of transition, oftentimes we end up in what I call “The Abyss.”

The Abyss isn’t pretty, yet it’s what so many of us are experiencing right now. And it’s actually the sweet spot offered to us to WAKE UP, question our reality, and pivot, shift, or revamp what isn’t working and to awaken to our true life purpose and path.

The beauty of being in The Abyss is that THIS is the place where profound growth, change and transformation takes place. The trick of this place though is getting comfortable, with being uncomfortable.

The way we’ve been living is falling away, crumbling for many. We are dismantling one or more areas of our lives. But the NEW way of living, the NEW way of being or the NEW life that we are stepping into, has yet to come to full fruition.

So we end up in a space of darkness. Of emptiness. The unknown, and uncertainty. We know what was… will no longer be… but we don’t know yet what is to come.  You’re stepping from a place of known into a place of unknown.

You’re stepping into The Abyss…

This can feel exciting and terrifying all at once!

The Abyss is an awfully uncomfortable (sometimes incredibly painful) place to be, and I know we can all resist the s*&% out of it most of the time, which always intensifies the feelings and usually makes things worse.

Personally, it feels almost as though living in a cocoon and being on the verge of coming forth into the world; as a bright beautiful butterfly having undergone a massive transformation.

If you are in The Abyss, here are 4 tips on how to handle it when you’re IN IT! Read More

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