Spring Sale!! Celebrate Spring skiboarding with sales throughout the store. Ends March 31.
Spring Sale!! Celebrate Spring skiboarding with sales throughout the store. Ends March 31.

INSTANT SKIING, INSTANT FUN Skiboards: Best Kept Secret

INSTANT SKIING, INSTANT FUN  Skiboards: Best Kept Secret on the Slopes By Doc Roberts

Learn the little known secrets of instant skiing, instant fun including how to break through old habits, awaken your true talents and dramatically accelerate your progress. It is about fun, not work. Revealed in these pages is how to have those peak experiences on a regular basis based on research into Breakthrough Psychology and Neurophysiology. In this book, Doc will share his 14 years experience as president of skiboards.com and over 30 years experience as a consultant and guide in self-actualization psychology and fulfilling your true potential, on and off the slopes.

This INSTANT SKIING, INSTANT FUN Skiboards: Best Kept Secret book includes choosing the right skiboards, how to adjust bindings, tuning basics, handling varying terrain and conditions and a lot more. I would consider it the first true skiboard book that bares it all! But there is so much more to the simple sport of skiboarding that it is time to reveal. This explains in depth the truth behind why skiboards are so much fun and why they truly are transformational.


“It seems that when something new comes over the horizon, at first, most people are hesitant to try it. Yet, there are always those relative few who, call it a need for adventure or a tingling intuition, will embrace it. These few “out-of-the-boxers” recognize something, are almost immediately attracted to it and will give it a try, no matter what others think.

When I first discovered skiboards, I had to try it. There was something indescribable that seemed to call to me. Personally, I was struck by the sheer simplicity, the total naturalness and the uniqueness of skiboards as a snow-riding tool. Right from my first time, skiboards awakened within me a newly found sense of passion and freedom. I recognized this awakened feeling, as it has always accompanied my “out of the box” liberating experiences in the past. I knew I was on to something.

To me, the essence of this unique sport is breaking through old, outdated mindsets and expanding beyond present boundaries. This is the domain of freedom, of liberation and that sense of adventure in life (that which we all secretly yearn for). While skiboards represent a new tool for riding the ski slopes, they offer so much more in terms of personal transformation, which I will explore with you in this book” Doc Roberts, President, Skiboards Superstore, Inc.

To buy the paperback or ebook click here. 

Partial Table of Contents

Part I: First Let’s Talk Skiboards

Chapter 1: What are Skiboards; A Brief History of Skiboarding; Instant Skiing and Instant Fun

Chapter 2: The Skiboard Advantage

Chapter 3: Even More Advantages!

Chapter 4: Skiboards: The Equipment; Choosing the Right Skiboards

Chapter 5: Additional Skiboarding Equipment; Skiboard Boots; Skiboard Bindings; Poles? Carry Bags; Other Typical Equipment

PART II: Instant Skiing

Chapter 6: Awakening Our Natural Instincts. Instinctual Learning; Unschooling on the Slopes

Chapter 7: Paradigm Shifting. Paradigm Paralysis; The Human Commodity; Skiing and Paradigm Paralysis

Chapter 8: The Art of Letting Go. Prerequisites; Fear; Transforming Fear

Part III: Grooving With Gravity

Chapter 9: Body Wisdom. First Time Riding? Natural Stance; The Lift; Stopping; Skidding; Carving; Lay-it-over Carves; Finding Our Rhythm; Riding the Back Tails; Skating on the Snow! Breathing; A Word About Teaching Children

Chapter 10: Terrain and Conditions. Groomed Runs; Moguls; Glades; Flat Traverses; Climbing Inclines; Advanced and Expert Terrain;Terrain Parks; Cruising Powder; Hard Pack and Ice; Cold and/or Windy; Springtime Conditions; New Horizons; Backcountry; Ski Dancing

Part IV: Skiboarding and Self-Actualization

Chapter 11: Realizing Our True Potential. Pushing the Limits Revisited; Peak Experiences;

Chapter 12: The Best Kept Secret. Self-actualization and the Zone; Awakening

Bibliographical References

Additional Resources


To purchase the Paperback or eBook click here.

Wide and Short Skis Promise Easy Fun – Read

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