Spring Sale!! Celebrate Spring skiboarding with sales throughout the store. Ends March 31.
Spring Sale!! Celebrate Spring skiboarding with sales throughout the store. Ends March 31.

Skiboards: A Total Blast!

Why is skiboarding considered to be the biggest thing to hit the sport of snowriding ever? Because they are a TOTAL BLAST from the first day!

Skiboards carve like snowboards, ride with the freedom of in-line skates, totally jam through moguls and turn the black diamond glade runs into a playground, not to mention all the tricks and jumps you can pull off in the terrain parks. Skiboarding is the perfect cross-over sport for skaters, skiers and snowboarders.

Imagine the freedom that comes with going anywhere you want, backwards, forwards, in the trees, diving off the lift chair (just kidding!). Skiers – no more worries about crossing tips or catching them on those pesky moguls. Forget all those beginner, intermediate and advanced level signs.

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