Spring Sale!! Celebrate Spring skiboarding with sales throughout the store. Ends March 31.
Spring Sale!! Celebrate Spring skiboarding with sales throughout the store. Ends March 31.

Ski Boot Sole Length – Where to find it?

Ski boot sole length – Where to find it?

Ski boot size is in Mondopoint which refers to the foot length in centimeters, which must match the respective internal dimensions of the shoe. Frequently, a shell (= sole length) covers two or more shoe sizes.

There is no standard size for the soles of ski boots that can easily be converted. The sole length is neither directly linked to the ski boot mondo size, nor is it the same for all manufacturers. Even with a manufacturer, different ski boot models of the same size can have different soles! In particular, ski touring boots are often designed with a shorter sole length for ascent-oriented competition and alpine use, as this results in better walking comfort without skis and also saves weight.

Why do I need a sole length?

The sole length is necessary to mount and adjust the binding onto the skiboard.
This insures the center marking of the boot should match the mounting point on the skiboard so that the skiboard can be balanced.

How do I find or measure the length of the sole?

The sole length is normally indicated as a three-digit millimeter on the outside of the boot, usually in the heel area. This impression provides the most reliable information. Depending on the brand, the location site may vary.


ski boot sole length imageboot sole length image


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