Spring Sale!! Celebrate Spring skiboarding with sales throughout the store. Ends March 31.
Spring Sale!! Celebrate Spring skiboarding with sales throughout the store. Ends March 31.

Memorable Skiboarding Moments

Some experiences are so much fun, so surprising, exhilarating, amazing, crazy, or out of the ordinary that you just have to tell someone! These are Memorable Skiboarding Moments!

Through out the 2000-2001 ski season the one thing that sticks out the most came when I was skiboarding in Utah with my 2 friends, and my dad. We got to the McConkey’s Bowl in Park City. A cornice had formed, that was at least 7 feet high. I had only ever seen one in SB1, so I didn’t know what to expect. My friend and I decided to try launching off of it. I went first, fast as I could,and launched off the end about 10 feet strait into moguls. I landed and skied away. It was great!

New Jersey
Age: 14

One day, my friend, Kevin, and I were skiboarding at our home hill, Mont. St. Marie. In the morning, I was pulling huge grabs and some spins. When we got back out from lunch, we found a guy riding next years SB Pros by Salomon, with the Snowblade boots. I thought this guy must be pro, so I wanted to impress him. In St. Marie’s lower park, they have a huge tabletop that can launch someone about 20 feet in the air. The supposed pro skiboarder was sitting at the top. I decided to go and pull a huge boned out Mute Cross. I hit a lump on the jump that shot me sideways. I was lying flat on my side grabbing mute. I can remember falling very slowly, just thinking, this is going to hurt. I fell pretty hard. But the thing is, it didn’t hurt at all. Then everybody came rushing down the hill. When they approached me, I was sitting beside the jump. They where all yelling: “HOLY SH**!! ARE YOU OKAY???” I said I was fine. About a half an hour later, I was in major pain.

Kanata, Ontario, Canada
Age: 13

I had my best skiboarding experience this year. I’m 16 and this is actually my first year skiboarding. I had my first trips on my school ski club with some of my best friends, Alex and Bryan. They are two awesome skiboarders who throw some of the sickest tricks I’ve seen. So I guess my best experience is them telling me what kinda boards and equipment to buy. They taught me how to huck my first backflips and 540s. They never made fun of me and always kept tryin to help me. They defended me when other mocked me and then made them look bad by throwing an underflip over as they would stare in awe. They are great friends. Thanks Bryan and Alex!

New York, NY
Age: 16

When we arrived at the mountain, I busted out my K2 Fattys and my best friend John unloads his Canon Heritages off the bus. We can usually land 360’s and most grabs easy on most table tops, but something just wasn’t right. Later in the day frustration seemed to become a companion of ours. A moron from school who wanted to try skiboards started mouthing us because we couldn’t do anything (of course he goes off tabletops like a stick). Out of nowhere John pulls a 540 lui kang off a table top. It was amazing.

West Virginia
Age: 16

One time when me and my boys were skiboarding, my friend decided to pull down his pants, and try to do a soul grind on a 3 foot rail. He whipped em down, rode down the hill, jumped on the rail, then he just took a digger, and straddled the rail.. Haha, he was about 2 inches from wackin his stuff… thank god his pants acted as a support, or his jewels would be hurtin, thats for sure!!!

Age: 17

I went up to Boreal Ski resort with a bunch of my friends. I was trying to impress this girl by doing a trick my friends were doing on their skiboards called a 360 back scratcher. Not that hard, but it is when you are just starting. So I went up, and came down hard. I heard things break and tear. That day my pants tore in two and a boot binding brokeoff. But since nothing serious broke (except for my ego), I got up and skiboarded the rest of the day, keeping to tricks I knew I could do.

Age: 20

At my hill, they had a huge 40 ft table that nobody could seem to clear. So I have been bombing the hill the whole day, pulling off tricks but never making the landing. I sticked it a couple of times, but it was nothing pretty. It had also snowed 6 inches for a nicer landing. My last jump of the day, Fakie 540 Liu-kang, make the landing no problem, people were cheering. It ruled. Decided to hike it once more, stuck a 720 safety. More Cheering. I wish I could have stayed longer. I got some good pics too.

New York
Age: 15

The best time I’ve had skiboarding was when I was in Utah. My friend and I decided to take a double blackdiamond “avalanche zone” glades course. We flew down it. My adrenaline rush was so high I thought I would burst. We must have gone about a mile and I thought it couldn’t get better. I was wrong. It emptied right into a natural 1/2 pipe. It had about 12 foot highwalls. We rode them up and down, then after 15 min of that the best time of my life ended. It was best!

New Jersey
Age: 14

I was at Breckenridge, Colorado and I was skiboarding for the first time. I guess I felt I was better than I was and headed directly to the Terrain Park. Second run down I was shooting the pipe and headed for triple air. First jump, nice little mule kick. Second jump, indescribable and third run was an out-of-control-I’m-in-trouble run. I had enough air to adjust 180 degrees and did a face plant with my arm between my legs. The emergency room said it was the worst elbow dislocation they ever saw and major pain was apparent even under anesthesia. I bought my first pair of skiboards that week.

Denver, CO
Age: 34

This story is about 2 (stupid) guys who decide to hike to the top of Stowe and test out some serious powder by Eastern standards. It is the starting of Canadian March Break and we only have one day to ski the hill. After reaching the highest point accessible by chairlift at Stowe we decide to hike to the top of the mountain. At first I was against this because I had left my jacket at home and I only had on a sweatshirt and thermals. After a long and persuasive talk from my buddy I decided to go. Once we reached the top after a long and wet hike, we strapped on our skiboards (no leashes) and began our descent. At first things were going fine (except for a few falls) but then I suddenly heard my buddy start yelling out swear words. I look over his way and see that he is tumbling after his skiboard. Luckily for him it hits a clump of trees and stops but he was not so lucky. During his frantic chase his rear end got jabbed by a broken branch and he was in excruciating pain the rest of the day. He strapped his board back on and we continued our descent once more. After reaching the bottom we vowed to never do that again. Once back at the lodge I went directly to the sauna to dry my drenched body.

Kanata, Ontario
Age: 14

My favorite memory of the season was my first day skiboarding ever. I bought skiboards on an impulse I had after hearing about the sport and seeing a movie. I had never been to a ski mountain before and my first run was so much fun that I knew this was the best sport ever. I fell on my first run and that’s because I couldn’t figure out how to stop and I was going too fast. I hit a few jumps and tried a rail that day and since then skiboarding has been my favorite thing in the world.

New York
Age: 16

In January, I got a pair of skiboards. I couldn’t hit a landing my first day. I went home all beat up. My brother went out with me the next week. I fell early on, but by the end, he had me landing 360’s and a bunch of grabs. On the ride home, my brother told me that was the best he’s ever seen someone ride. That made me feel great.

Age: 14

Well the day started out early as Matt, Kevin and I headed up to Whiteface. The trip was filled with funny moments. Once we made it to the park, we rode very hard all day. We were all on skiboards. We had fun playing in the powder. It was a blast, but we were all aching after the 21 footer. Well, that was the best day of riding I have had all year.

Lake George, NY
Age: 17

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